Tutorial 3. Simulate a 1D NMR titration series

by Evgenii Kovrigin, 05/17/2011

In this tutorial we will create a series of line shapes corresponding to an NMR titration experiment (gradual addition of a ligand to the receptor).


Clean up workspace (to avoid unwanted effects of old variable assignments)

close all
clear all


Prepare a simulation session. Even though we are not planning to perform fitting of the data at this time, the simulation is better done using TotalFit object (session).


Create a simulation series

series_name='U_simulation'; % arbitrary
dataset_class_name='NMRLineShapes1D'; % class name
model_numeric_options='no options';
X_column=linspace(X_min, X_max, number_of_points_to_simulate)'; % use ' to transpose to a column-vector

session.create_simulation_series(series_name, dataset_class_name, model_name, ...
                 model_numeric_solver, model_numeric_options,...
                 number_of_datasets, X_column);

Show datasets

%session.show_datasets  % show all datasets in the session from all series
session.show_series_datasets(series_name)  % show only datasets of the series
ans =

 =========== Series "U_simulation" =============== 
Dataset 1
Priority = 1
Name: U_simulation-1 
Type: 1D NMR Line shapes
Active model:
Model 2:  "U-model"
Model description
"1D NMR line shape for the U model, no temperature/field dependence, analytical"
Model handle: line_shape_equations_1D.U_model_1D
Current solver: analytical
Model parameters: 
1: Rtotal     2: LRratio     3: log10(K_A)     4: k_2_A     5: w0_1     6: w0_2     7: FWHH_1     8: FWHH_2     9: ScaleFactor     

Dataset 2
Priority = 1
Name: U_simulation-2 
Type: 1D NMR Line shapes
Active model:
Model 2:  "U-model"
Model description
"1D NMR line shape for the U model, no temperature/field dependence, analytical"
Model handle: line_shape_equations_1D.U_model_1D
Current solver: analytical
Model parameters: 
1: Rtotal     2: LRratio     3: log10(K_A)     4: k_2_A     5: w0_1     6: w0_2     7: FWHH_1     8: FWHH_2     9: ScaleFactor     

Dataset 3
Priority = 1
Name: U_simulation-3 
Type: 1D NMR Line shapes
Active model:
Model 2:  "U-model"
Model description
"1D NMR line shape for the U model, no temperature/field dependence, analytical"
Model handle: line_shape_equations_1D.U_model_1D
Current solver: analytical
Model parameters: 
1: Rtotal     2: LRratio     3: log10(K_A)     4: k_2_A     5: w0_1     6: w0_2     7: FWHH_1     8: FWHH_2     9: ScaleFactor     

Dataset 4
Priority = 1
Name: U_simulation-4 
Type: 1D NMR Line shapes
Active model:
Model 2:  "U-model"
Model description
"1D NMR line shape for the U model, no temperature/field dependence, analytical"
Model handle: line_shape_equations_1D.U_model_1D
Current solver: analytical
Model parameters: 
1: Rtotal     2: LRratio     3: log10(K_A)     4: k_2_A     5: w0_1     6: w0_2     7: FWHH_1     8: FWHH_2     9: ScaleFactor     

Dataset 5
Priority = 1
Name: U_simulation-5 
Type: 1D NMR Line shapes
Active model:
Model 2:  "U-model"
Model description
"1D NMR line shape for the U model, no temperature/field dependence, analytical"
Model handle: line_shape_equations_1D.U_model_1D
Current solver: analytical
Model parameters: 
1: Rtotal     2: LRratio     3: log10(K_A)     4: k_2_A     5: w0_1     6: w0_2     7: FWHH_1     8: FWHH_2     9: ScaleFactor     


Prepare fitting environment. This is when we make 'session' object fully aware of presence of multiple datasets with (potentially) linkable parameters.

session.initialize_relation_matrix(sprintf('%s.all_datasets.txt', session_name))
Dataset listing is written to "Tutorial_3_simulation.all_datasets.txt".

To inspect current fitting environment use the following command:

session.generate_fitting_environment(sprintf('%s.fitting_environment.txt', session_name))
Fitting environment saved in Tutorial_3_simulation.fitting_environment.txt.

ans =

New parameter relations (indexed as in all_parameters vector):

[1]     1:Rtotal
[2]     1:LRratio
[3]     1:log10(K_A)
[4]     1:k_2_A
[5]     1:w0_1
[6]     1:w0_2
[7]     1:FWHH_1
[8]     1:FWHH_2
[9]     1:ScaleFactor
[10]     2:Rtotal
[11]     2:LRratio
[12]     2:log10(K_A)
[13]     2:k_2_A
[14]     2:w0_1
[15]     2:w0_2
[16]     2:FWHH_1
[17]     2:FWHH_2
[18]     2:ScaleFactor
[19]     3:Rtotal
[20]     3:LRratio
[21]     3:log10(K_A)
[22]     3:k_2_A
[23]     3:w0_1
[24]     3:w0_2
[25]     3:FWHH_1
[26]     3:FWHH_2
[27]     3:ScaleFactor
[28]     4:Rtotal
[29]     4:LRratio
[30]     4:log10(K_A)
[31]     4:k_2_A
[32]     4:w0_1
[33]     4:w0_2
[34]     4:FWHH_1
[35]     4:FWHH_2
[36]     4:ScaleFactor
[37]     5:Rtotal
[38]     5:LRratio
[39]     5:log10(K_A)
[40]     5:k_2_A
[41]     5:w0_1
[42]     5:w0_2
[43]     5:FWHH_1
[44]     5:FWHH_2
[45]     5:ScaleFactor

Summary of datasets with lookup vectors (position of each parameter in all_parameter vector)
Dataset 1/U_simulation-1,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Dataset 2/U_simulation-2,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18

Dataset 3/U_simulation-3,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27

Dataset 4/U_simulation-4,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36

Dataset 5/U_simulation-5,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45

The all_parameters vector is the vector created of all parameters of all datasets. The parameters of each datasets are shown at their respective places in the all_parameters vector. If the parameters are linked---they will be shown together. Their respective 'individual' places are left unoccupied.

The lookup_vectors contain the same information in a reverse way: for each dataset they give positions of parameters as they are found in all_parameters vector. This is a 'reverse lookup', essentially.


We have multiple datasets that are linked by their nature: they have many common parameters and just two parameters that is variable between them (the total receptor concentraion and ligand/receptor ratio). Enter here the parameter indices (as they show up in dataset listings) to link:

parameter_number_array=[ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ];
session.batch_link_parameters_in_series(series_name, parameter_number_array);

Propagate information about links across all datasets

session.generate_fitting_environment(sprintf('%s.fitting_environment.txt', session_name))
Fitting environment saved in Tutorial_3_simulation.fitting_environment.txt.

ans =

New parameter relations (indexed as in all_parameters vector):

[1]     1:Rtotal
[2]     1:LRratio
[3]     1:log10(K_A) | 2:log10(K_A) | 3:log10(K_A) | 4:log10(K_A) | 5:log10(K_A)
[4]     1:k_2_A | 2:k_2_A | 3:k_2_A | 4:k_2_A | 5:k_2_A
[5]     1:w0_1 | 2:w0_1 | 3:w0_1 | 4:w0_1 | 5:w0_1
[6]     1:w0_2 | 2:w0_2 | 3:w0_2 | 4:w0_2 | 5:w0_2
[7]     1:FWHH_1 | 2:FWHH_1 | 3:FWHH_1 | 4:FWHH_1 | 5:FWHH_1
[8]     1:FWHH_2 | 2:FWHH_2 | 3:FWHH_2 | 4:FWHH_2 | 5:FWHH_2
[9]     1:ScaleFactor | 2:ScaleFactor | 3:ScaleFactor | 4:ScaleFactor | 5:ScaleFactor
[10]     2:Rtotal
[11]     2:LRratio
[12]   n/a
[13]   n/a
[14]   n/a
[15]   n/a
[16]   n/a
[17]   n/a
[18]   n/a
[19]     3:Rtotal
[20]     3:LRratio
[21]   n/a
[22]   n/a
[23]   n/a
[24]   n/a
[25]   n/a
[26]   n/a
[27]   n/a
[28]     4:Rtotal
[29]     4:LRratio
[30]   n/a
[31]   n/a
[32]   n/a
[33]   n/a
[34]   n/a
[35]   n/a
[36]   n/a
[37]     5:Rtotal
[38]     5:LRratio
[39]   n/a
[40]   n/a
[41]   n/a
[42]   n/a
[43]   n/a
[44]   n/a
[45]   n/a

Summary of datasets with lookup vectors (position of each parameter in all_parameter vector)
Dataset 1/U_simulation-1,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Dataset 2/U_simulation-2,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   10   11   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Dataset 3/U_simulation-3,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   19   20   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Dataset 4/U_simulation-4,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   28   29   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

Dataset 5/U_simulation-5,  model "U-model"
Parameters          :    Rtotal    LRratio    log10(K_A)    k_2_A    w0_1    w0_2    FWHH_1    FWHH_2    ScaleFactor
Lookup vector       :   37   38   3   4   5   6   7   8   9

As we requested, the first two parameters, Rtotal and LRratio, are individual for each dataset because they depend on how the sample was made. The rest of parameters belongs to the system (constants, frequencies, line widths) and to the hardware (ScaleFactor). They are made linked across entire series .


Choose some reasonable parameters (use ones from previous tutorials)


To assign linked parameters we need to assign them to the first of the linked datasets (these values will be propagated to other datasets automatically through established links

Obtain number of the first datasets in the series


prepare vectors for easier handling:

FAKE_VALUE=1E-6;  % individual (unlinked) parameters: to be assigned later

ideal_parameters=[ FAKE_VALUE    FAKE_VALUE     setup.Log10_K_A     setup.k_2_A ...
    setup.w0_1  setup.w0_2   setup.FWHH_1     setup.FWHH_2     setup.ScaleFactor ] % no ';'-sign to show parameters
ideal_parameters =

  Columns 1 through 5

    0.0000    0.0000    5.0000   10.0000         0

  Columns 6 through 9

  200.0000   20.0000   20.0000    1.0000

Formally prepare limits (we will not need them for simulation but must assign arrays of the same size as parameters


Perform assignment (I keep names of function arguments for information)


session.assign_parameter_values(first_dataset_index, ideal_parameters, ...
        Monte_Carlo_range_min, Monte_Carlo_range_max, parameter_limits_min, parameter_limits_max);

Assign unlinked parameters These parameters are NOT linked therefore we need to go through all datasets to assign them.

Create a vector of values first

Rtotal_vector=ones(1,number_of_datasets)*setup.Rtotal; % this one is constant for all datasets
LRratio_vector=[0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6]; % this one is variable

Create vector ranges for formal assignment (different length from the above!)


Assign Rtotal


             series_name, parameter_number, values_array, ...
             MonteCarlo_range_min_array, MonteCarlo_range_max_array, ...
             parameter_limits_min_array, parameter_limits_max_array);

Assign LRratio


             series_name, parameter_number, values_array, ...
             MonteCarlo_range_min_array, MonteCarlo_range_max_array, ...
             parameter_limits_min_array, parameter_limits_max_array);


Run a simulation

Y_standard_dev=1e-8;  % something really small
session.simulate_series(series_name, X_standard_dev, Y_standard_dev);

Plot the simulation result

Y_offset_percent=10;  % to offset figures vertically for easier viewing
figure_handle1=session.plot_1D_series(series_name, 'Simulation 3', Y_offset_percent);

output simulation

results_output.output_figure(figure_handle, folder_name, figure_name)

To adjust appearance of the output figures: load files from FIG/ folder in MATLAB and directly edit them there.


To do this we need (1) find out the index of the dataset we are interested in, and (2) display its 'best-fit' parameters (this is just the name of the vector simulated parameters are placed in);

The deal with the index is that we need TOTAL index the dataset has in the TotalFit object session. What is easy to know for us is the LOCAL index inside the series. This is how to convert the LOCAL index to a TOTAL one:


Show parameters

ans =

  Columns 1 through 5

    0.0010    0.8000    5.0000   10.0000         0

  Columns 6 through 9

  200.0000   20.0000   20.0000    1.0000

Plot figure:

session.dataset_plot_fit(dataset_in_question_index, figure_title);

or (which uses index relative to the series)

session.plot_one_series_dataset(series_name,index_inside_the_series, figure_title);