

Derivation of equilibrium thermodynamic equations for U-2R system: isomerization in the binding-incompetent state of the receptor
















1. Definitions


2. Basic equilibrium equations


3. Derivation of equations for equilibrium concentrations


4. Prepare equations for a numeric solution


5. Save results on disk for future use












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In this document, I am developing equilibrium thermodynamic equations to calculate concentrations of species at all points in titrations




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1. Definitions


clean up workspace


Set path to save results into:






Binding and isomerization constants


All binding constants I am using are association constants.

These relationships serve as restraints for solve(), but not restrict these values in calculations!



K_A ;
assumeAlso(K_A  > 0):
assumeAlso(K_A , R_)



To denote "starred" species, I will use s1 for *, s2 for **, etc.



K_B_s_1 ;
assumeAlso(K_B_s_1  > 0):
assumeAlso(K_B_s_1 , R_):




K_B_s_2 ;
assumeAlso(K_B_s_2  > 0):
assumeAlso(K_B_s_2 , R_):






Total concentrations



Rtot - total concentration of the  receptor





Ltot - total concentration of the  ligand







Equilibrium concentrations


Req - equilibrium concentration of the binding-competent receptor form




Equilibrium concentrations of the binding incompetent receptor isomers R* and R**










Leq - equilibrium concentration of a free ligand





RLeq - equilibrium concentration of the receptor-ligand complex








Check what we defined


{K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2, Leq, Ltot, RLeq, R_s_1eq, R_s_2eq, Req, Rtot}







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2. Basic equilibrium equations



Mass conservation equations

eq2_1:= Rtot = Req + R_s_1eq + R_s_2eq + RLeq;
eq2_2:= Ltot = Leq + RLeq;

Rtot = RLeq + R_s_1eq + R_s_2eq + Req
Ltot = Leq + RLeq




Equilibrium constants

eq2_3:= K_A = RLeq / (Req*Leq);

K_A = RLeq/(Leq*Req)

eq2_4:= K_B_s_1 = R_s_1eq/Req

K_B_s_1 = R_s_1eq/Req

eq2_5:= K_B_s_2 = R_s_2eq/Req

K_B_s_2 = R_s_2eq/Req







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3. Derivation of equations for equilibrium concentrations


Express Leq as a function of all constants and total concentrations. If insoluble ---express Rtot=f(Leq and all constants).



Express the highest-order bound species first:



eq3_1:= RLeq=%

K_A = RLeq/(Leq*Req)
RLeq = K_A*Leq*Req


Substitute into the mass conservation laws:

% | eq3_1:
eq3_2:= %

Rtot = RLeq + R_s_1eq + R_s_2eq + Req
Rtot = R_s_1eq + R_s_2eq + Req + K_A*Leq*Req

% | eq3_1:
eq3_3:= %

Ltot = Leq + RLeq
Ltot = Leq + K_A*Leq*Req





Express isomer concentrations



eq3_7:= R_s_1eq = %

K_B_s_1 = R_s_1eq/Req
R_s_1eq = K_B_s_1*Req

-> conservation laws

% | eq3_7:
eq3_8:= %

Rtot = R_s_1eq + R_s_2eq + Req + K_A*Leq*Req
Rtot = R_s_2eq + Req + K_B_s_1*Req + K_A*Leq*Req




solve(%, R_s_2eq):
eq3_9:= R_s_2eq = %

K_B_s_2 = R_s_2eq/Req
R_s_2eq = K_B_s_2*Req

-> conservation laws

% | eq3_9:
eq3_10:= %

Rtot = R_s_2eq + Req + K_B_s_1*Req + K_A*Leq*Req
Rtot = Req + K_B_s_1*Req + K_B_s_2*Req + K_A*Leq*Req




Aim to obtain  Rtot=f(Leq, constants) function


express Req from conservation law for ligand  (Ltot=...)

eq3_11:= Req = %

Ltot = Leq + K_A*Leq*Req
Req = -(Leq - Ltot)/(K_A*Leq)


substitute in the conservation law for receptor:  (Rtot=...)

% | eq3_11;
// test
// Assemble a final equation
eq3_12:= Rtot =temp2

Rtot = Req + K_B_s_1*Req + K_B_s_2*Req + K_A*Leq*Req
Rtot = Ltot - Leq - (Leq - Ltot)/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_1*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_2*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq)
Ltot - Leq - (Leq - Ltot)/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_1*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_2*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq)
-((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Ltot - Leq - (Leq - Ltot)/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_1*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq) - (K_B_s_2*(Leq - Ltot))/(K_A*Leq) = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Rtot = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)





Attempt to solve for Leq


solution3_12:=solve(eq3_12, Leq)

piecewise([2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot <= K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 = (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> K_A*Ltot, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}], [2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot <= K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 = K_A*Ltot, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}], [-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot <= K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A), -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}], [-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot <= K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and (not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot), {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}], [K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and (not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <= K_A*Ltot) and 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot <= K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}], [K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 < 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot and (-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 = K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 = (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> K_A*Ltot) or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 = (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and (not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 = K_A*Ltot) or not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <= K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 = K_A*Ltot or not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 = K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 = (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <= K_A*Ltot or K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and (not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <= K_A*Ltot) and K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 < 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot or -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 < 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and (not K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot) or not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and not -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot or -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot and K_A^2*Ltot^2 + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1 < 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot and -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A) < Ltot and K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 < K_A*Ltot, {}])





Extract solutions:

eq3_13:=  solution3_12[i,1] $ i=1..solution_lines;

{-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A), -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}, {-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)}, {}


Extract solutions

solution2:=eq3_13[2][1] ; 

-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)



Analysis of solutions


If having a sequence of roots: Is 1st solution a combination of 2nd and 3rd?

solutionA:=eq3_13[1];   // a sequence of roots

if solution2 in solutionA
then print(Unquoted,"First set of roots contains the second root.");
else print(Unquoted,"First  set of roots  DOES NOT contain the second root!");

if solution3 in solutionA
then print(Unquoted,"First set of roots contains the third root.");
else print(Unquoted,"First  set of roots  DOES NOT contain the third root!");









Check correctness of the solution by substitution

// Check the 1st solution
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution1;

Rtot = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
Rtot = -((K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot - K_A*Rtot + 1)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))/(2*K_A*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))



// Check the 2nd solution
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution2;

Rtot = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
Rtot = -((K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot - K_A*Rtot + 1))/(2*K_A*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))




// Check the 3rd solution
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution3;

Rtot = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
Rtot = -((K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot - K_A*Rtot + 1))/(2*K_A*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))
K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> K_A*Ltot




// Check the 4th solution
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution4;

Rtot = -((Leq - Ltot)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Leq + 1))/(K_A*Leq)
Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
Rtot = -((K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot - K_A*Rtot + 1)*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))/(2*K_A*(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1))
K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + K_A*Rtot + 1 <> (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) + K_A*Ltot



=> two last solutions are confirmed by substitution. Proceed with these checking solutions numerically.



Test which solution is meaningful numerically


% | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
- 15^(1/2)/2 - 3/2



% | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
15^(1/2)/2 - 3/2



% | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
- 21^(1/2)/2 - 3/2



% | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

-(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)
21^(1/2)/2 - 3/2

meaningful and different from solution 2!



Re-check positive solutions by substitution and calculation:

// Solution 2
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution2;
result:= % | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
1 = -(2*(15^(1/2)/2 + 3/2)*(15^(1/2)/2 - 5/2))/(15^(1/2) - 3)
1.0 = 4.436491673

wrong solution!!!



Re-check by substitution and calculation:

// Solution 4
test1:=eq3_12 | Leq=solution4;
result:= % | K_A=1 | K_B_s_1=1 | K_B_s_2=1 |  Rtot=1 | Ltot=1;

Rtot = -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A))*(K_B_s_1/2 + K_B_s_2/2 + (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2)/2 + (K_A*Ltot)/2 - (K_A*Rtot)/2 + 1/2))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)
1 = -(2*(21^(1/2)/2 + 3/2)*(21^(1/2)/2 - 5/2))/(21^(1/2) - 3)
1.0 = 1.0




Choose as a final solution

eq3_14:= Leq = solution4

Leq = -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)







Summary of equations for all species


Show species names


{K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2, Leq, Ltot, RLeq, R_s_1eq, R_s_2eq, Req, Rtot}




Name equations to recognize them in a different context



Leq = -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)


Req = -(Leq - Ltot)/(K_A*Leq)


R_s_1eq = K_B_s_1*Req


R_s_2eq = K_B_s_2*Req



RLeq = K_A*Leq*Req





Create functions for computing concentrations

Here I only check that the results are numerically meaningful--functions were created right. Scientific meaningfulness will be analyzed in a separate notebook 'Analysis'.

(use --> to force direct substitution):

fLeq_U_2R:= (Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) --> Leq_U_2R[2]

(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) -> -(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)

//test operation


=> OK


fReq_U_2R:=(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) --> Req_U_2R[2] | Leq_U_2R

(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) -> -(2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)

//test operation


=> OK



fR_s_1eq_U_2R:=(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) --> R_s_1eq_U_2R[2] | Req_U_2R | Leq_U_2R

(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) -> -(2*K_B_s_1*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)

//test operation


=> OK



fR_s_2eq_U_2R:=(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) --> R_s_2eq_U_2R[2] | Req_U_2R | Leq_U_2R

(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) -> -(2*K_B_s_2*(Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)))/(K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)

//test operation


=> OK



fRLeq_U_2R:=(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) --> RLeq_U_2R[2] | Req_U_2R | Leq_U_2R

(Rtot, Ltot, K_A, K_B_s_1, K_B_s_2) -> Ltot + (K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2 - (K_A^2*Ltot^2 - 2*K_A^2*Ltot*Rtot + K_A^2*Rtot^2 + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_1*Rtot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Ltot + 2*K_A*K_B_s_2*Rtot + 2*K_A*Ltot + 2*K_A*Rtot + K_B_s_1^2 + 2*K_B_s_1*K_B_s_2 + 2*K_B_s_1 + K_B_s_2^2 + 2*K_B_s_2 + 1)^(1/2) - K_A*Ltot + K_A*Rtot + 1)/(2*K_A)

//test operation


=> OK


Check conservation laws (check the Rtot and Ltot are set to 1) :





5/2 - (6*(21^(1/2)/2 - 5/2))/(21^(1/2) - 3) - 21^(1/2)/2



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5. Save results on disk


(you can retrieve them later by executing: fread(filename,Quiet))




// Equations

// Analytical functions








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1. Analytical solution obtained.


2. Functions for analysis of behavior of solutions are created and saved.




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