Evgenii Kovrigin (C) 2022



    KovriginNMR VT:   Installation and Administration

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KovriginNMR VT and KovriginNMR Workflows are parts of the same KovriginNMR package. Installation KovriginNMR package is described here


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NOTE: all tables and calibrations are tied to specific probe names and chiller names they were obtained with. The host name is not tied up to allow for changes of a computer or networking naming system.


New spectrometer

New user


Introducing a new temperature calibration

A new temperature calibration is required if:

To introduce a new temperature calibration follow these steps:
For examples see 400 Stepan calibration, :

  1. Ramp spectrometer to a highest (or lowest) temperature using [Ramp to T] step without temperature correction. Measure temperature with glycol or acidified methanol standard in every step.
  2. When limiting temperature is reached, start the temperature series using knmr_script_temperature_series.py. NOTE: the probes have a sharp kink around 280K and 330K. To sample it you will need to pass this area twice once with a coarse 5C step, another with a fine, 0.1C step.
  3. From last experiment of the series, import Experiment_Schedule.txt to Excel
  4. Process data in Topspin and measure delta CS between peak maxima and enter them in Excel.
    NOTE 1: at high temperature glycol peak splits. The true resonance is in the right shoulder of the low-field peak but it is difficult to follow unless you have a very fine step. Follow the maximum, which will lead to a maximum error of about 3 degrees at 147 C.
    NOTE 2: at low temperature, methanol peaks splits. Measure the distance between the middle of the peaks.










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