# Unique model identifier Model_code B # Model description Description Two-site, weak, fast-off, second site knock-out # Association constants Ka_names A1a A1b A2a Ka 1e-3 1e5 1e-3 # Rate constants of REVERSE reactions k_names A1a A1b A2a A2b k2 0 1000 0 0 # Names of NMR-active species Species_names R LaR RLb RL2 # Names of NMR unobservable species NMR_invisible_species_names L # Chemical shifts of pure species, 1/s w0 0 300 300 300 # Relaxation rates of pure species, 1/s R2 10 10 10 10 # Heat of formation of the species, relative units # The original species is a standard state with dH=0 ! dH 0 -1 -1 -3