You may simulate line shapes for a specific peak for different possible combinations of parameters. You need titration spectral data for that as a simulation uses real frequency ranges from these data. You may do simulation using fully manually entered starting parameters or let the program determine peak positions and relaxation rates and then you may vary the kinetic and equilibrium constants to see the effect.
In order to do this :
Slice the peak region in Sparky
enter dataset name in resnames (setup.m)
Now you have a choice to either
set up frequencies and relaxation rates entirely manually, or
let the program estimate them for your current peak and use them in simulation (you will only provide Kd and koff values then)
(1) Fully manual simulation:
Enter desired
frequencies (Hz) in manual_w0.txt as a column
relaxation rate (/s) in manual_R2.txt (remember, they will be much larger in you spectral data sets then real ones because of finite acquisition time and application of EM window )
set project_name='simulation' (setup.m)
Enter desired Kd , koff etc in model_setup.m
issue main
(2) Simulation using peak positions and line widths of real signals
set project_name='just display data' (setup.m)
issue main and make sure the estimates for starting and ending points look good
set project_name='simulation' (setup.m)
Enter desired Kd , koff etc in model_setup.m
issue main
The program shows two graphs - raw data and simulation results. It saves them in figures/ as both PNG image and FIG file editable in Matlab.