KovriginNMR: Object-Oriented Programming for NMR Automation
KovriginNMR is a Python software package for Bruker NMR spectrometers. KovriginNMR is executed inside Topspin and allows for (1) a high level of automation, and (2) unhindered access to all Topspin functions at the same time. KovriginNMR is intended to help experienced NMR users and NMR managers to construct complex workflows involving multiple samples, experiments, and variable-temperature operation.
Documentation for KovriginNMR is available online as well as included with the code.
To obtain KovriginNMR: please, email Evgenii Kovrigin at evgueni [dot] kovriguine [at] gmail [dot] com
The KovriginNMR code is free to academic users.
Integrative Data Analysis Platform (IDAP)
IDAP is a general-purpose software package for simulation and data fitting. The main feature of IDAP is its ability to simultaneously fit different types of data. Each data set may have its own equations with some of the parameters shared with other datasets/equations. This way one has global fitting parameters, which are optimized with respect to all data, as well as local ones only fit against the specific dataset. The software is developed using MATLAB object-oriented language to allow easy modification and extension by the user.
The most developed uses of IDAP are
fitting of one-dimensional NMR spectral line shapes to obtain thermodynamic and kinetic information.
simulation of two-dimensional NMR line shapes for complex ligand-binding mechanisms (IDAP Model Library for TITAN)
ITC data analysis
Ultrafast transient absorption (TA) data analysis
Reaction Kinetics analysis from NMR data
Documentation to IDAP is online as well as included with the code. Online Manual
To obtain IDAP: please, email Evgenii Kovrigin at evgueni [dot] kovriguine [at] gmail [dot] com
The IDAP code is free to academic scientists subject to terms of an academic license. A commercial license is available to for-profit users.
LineShapeKin Simulation 4
LineShapeKin Simulation 4 --- the package for simulation of NMR line shapes and ITC profiles for a variety of the multi-site exchange models.
Reference: Kovrigin EL NMR line shapes and multi-state binding equilibria (2012) JBNMR 53, 257-270 (available upon request).
Version history:
Ver. 4.1 released in 2009
Changes in ver. 4.1.5 (2012)
includes a correction to U-R2 and U-R2L2 models
MATLAB issue with Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm resolved
spectral range is now checked to encompass frequencies of the species
LineShapeKin 3.2 (old software for fitting NMR line shapes with the two-state model)
line shape analysis program to fit experimental spectral data with
the 2-site exchange model.
This is an update of version 3.1.