LineShapeKin 3.2

Installation instructions


LineShapeKin uses Python-based Sparky extension for extraction of spectral data. You need to have Sparky installed and follow my instructions below to install Sparky extensions and necessary Python libraries.

(Not all of the files in these libraries are needed for LineShapeKin. I will trim the libraries in the future releases. They don't take much space however.)

LineShapeKin installation takes three simple steps:

  1. Install my Python Library
    1. Download
    2. Installation instructions

  2. Install my Sparky Extensions
    1. Download Sparky extensions:
    2.  Installation instructions

  3. Install LineShapeKin
    1. Download LineShapeKin distribution into any location user_folder/
    2. Unpack.
    3. Read online Lineshapekin manual.