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Dimerization of the receptor with the ligand binding to a monomer:

In this model the receptor molecule dimerizes. Only the monomer is capable to appreciably bind the ligand. This mechanism is also relevant to cases of aggregation, where weak, fast-off dimerization promotes slow irreversible aggregation of the receptor.







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Concentration dependence of R-R2 equilibrium

This is the simplest example. All species are in slow exchange, we will see three peaks. I set up simulation for the slow isomerization process with 3:1 ratio in favor of R* and nanomolar binding with very slow off-rate.


NOTE: ITC and smooth population curves will NOT work for changing concentration of the receptor!!!



Report: summary_report

slow dissociation

fast dissociation

Simulate setup_conc_dep U_R2_As_Bs_conc_dep Simulate setup_conc_dep U_R2_As_Bf_conc_dep



The model was reasonably reduced to the simple self-association model.



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U_R2 example 1: Slow dissociation, slow binding

Simulate setup U_R2_As_Bs

report: summary_report

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U_R2 example 2: Slow dissociation, fast binding

Simulate setup U_R2_Af_Bs


NOTE: This situation is VERY SIMILAR to behavior of U_R system. Use ITC profile to tell them apart.


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U_R2 example 3: Fast dissociation, fast binding

Simulate setup U_R2_Af_Bf

Note non-linearity of the FWHH curve shifted to 0.4 relatively to U_R model

The noted non-linearity makes the fit with the 2-site model fail miserably:

Such discrepancy between data and the fit is very remarkable, dissimilar to the U_R and, probably, to U_RL.


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U_R2 example 4: Fast dissociation, slow binding

Simulate setup U_R2_As_Bf


NOTE: This spectral appearance is VERY SIMILAR to U_RL model and U_R2L2


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  1. The model works.
  2. Fast dissociation/slow binding and slow diss/fast binding regimes have remarkable similarity to the U_R and U_RL models.
  3. It is clear that a concentration dependence of peak positions MUST be determined for any system before the line shape analysis is attemped.



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